ChatGPT Integration in AVS: Opportunities and Challenges

Published in DSA 2023, 2023


Yuanzhe Jin, Maorong Wang


The integration large language model (LLM) like ChatGPT, into an Autonomous Vehicle System (AVS) presents both potential benefits and challenges. ChatGPT has demonstrated remarkable success in natural language understanding, conversation generation, and question-answering tasks, thus making it a promising candidate for improving the communication between autonomous vehicles and passengers, as well as with external systems. However, some challenges, including real-time performance, accuracy, and safety concerns need to be considered before deploying it. This fast abstract aims to explore the opportunities and challenges of integrating ChatGPT into AVS. We aim to explore the benefits of ChatGPT integration and discuss its impact on developing autonomous driving technology. The findings of this study can assist the design and implementation of future AVS systems, and contribute to the advancement of natural language processing and autonomous vehicle technology. Download paper here