Bienvenido, Welcome to Yuanzhe’s Homepage!

I am a Ph.D. student majoring in Computer Engineering at the University of Oxford, working as a postgraduate research assistant at the Oxford e-Research Centre (OeRC) with Professor Min Chen. My current work focuses on quality assurance in machine learning applications which combines human and machine strengths in the machine learning model training and testing process. I am also an invited editor for Springer, IEEE Access, and a student member of IEEE Region 10(Asian-Pacific) and ACM SIGCHI.

My research interests include:

  • Visualization
  • Intelligent User Interface
  • Machine Learning Model Quality Assurance
  • Biomedical Data Analysis

Previously, I was a master’s student at Northwestern University in the USA working on applying machine learning applications in embedded systems and autonomous driving.


[Jul. 2024] Paper Accepted in L@S 2024, USA. First time exploring the intersection between visualization and education.
[Jun. 2024] Glad to have a collaboration with Adrian Carrasco-Revilla from Inetum Spain.
[Oct. 2023] Excited to give a presentation at IEEE VIS 2023 in Melbourne, Australia.
[Aug. 2023] Paper Accepted in DSA 2023, Tokyo. Look forward to the conference in Japan!
[Jul. 2023] Paper Accepted in VIS 2023, Melbourne. Look forward to the conference in Australia!
[Feb. 2023] Glad to have an interview to share my experience in Statistics Netherlands under the NeEDS Project


Marie Skłodowska-Curie Travel Scholarship to Spain, 2023 & 2024
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Travel Scholarship to Netherlands, 2022
Outstanding Student Leader Awards, Zhejiang University, 2017 & 2018
Scholarship for Outstanding Merits, Zhejiang University, 2016

Global Visitor